Interior Design and Sustainability
Nowadays, we often hear the words “Sustainability”, “Green” or “Eco-friendly” everywhere. It is because more and more people including me and you are aware of how we are causing a negative impact on the environment on a daily basis. There are so many exciting developments happening in the fashion industry while sustainability in interior design is not as familiar as the fashion industry yet. As a green interior designer, I want to change that. So for the first step, let me share the importance of green and sustainable interior design today and please feel free to share this article with your family, friends, or colleagues. Embracing green and sustainable interior design in your home is more important than ever since we spend 90% of our time at home. Here are some advantages of creating a sustainable interior design in your home.
What is Sustainable Design?
According to Wikipedia,
“The intention of sustainable design is to eliminate negative environmental impact completely through skilful, sensitive design. Manifestations of sustainable design require renewable resources and innovation to impact the environment minimally, and connect people with the natural environment.”
Sustainable design is not only about the environment. It is also considered a social and economic impact throughout the whole process of production and creation.
What is Sustainable Interior Design?

Sustainable interior design is not just creating green spaces by using eco-friendly furniture or products. Deeper than that. Sustainable interior design is focusing on minimising the negative impact on the environment and also considers social, performance, and financial implications while creating green spaces that can promote people’s well-being by utilizing renewable or recycled resources.
For instance, many green products that are made from renewable or recycled materials are eco-friendly, but sustainability would mean taking it a step further. To know:
- How they are sourced ( Locally is better )
- Where they come from ( Also locally is better )
- Who’s made it? How is the work environment? (Usually, sustainable brands are transparent about the impacts of systems, processes, organizations, and activities on people and social life.)
- How they come ( Use of carbon-neutral shipping / Use of biodegradable, recycled, renewable or reusable materials package)
- What resources go into the production (Renewable, recycled, sustainably sourced natural materials)
- How they produce it ( Use of renewable energy systems is very much ideal)
- How are longevity and flexibility ( Longer the better)
- How healthy they are for people ( No off-gassing, non/less VOC, non/fewer chemicals are better)
- What’s the impact on the planet? (Less is better. Better if it has a positive impact)
So sustainable interior designers including me create aesthetically pleasing look spaces with sustainable interior design materials while considering all these crucial questions.
Now you may have a question “What is the difference between sustainable design and green design?”. Let me explain.
What is Green Interior Design?

Green interior design focuses on creating comfortable spaces whilst improving indoor air quality, reduction of waste and water by optimizing energy efficiency and opting for eco-friendly products when furnishing and decorating your home as well as getting your home to function sustainably.
Green space interior design does not only save the planet but also saves your money in the long term. Moreover, choosing a green interior design can help you live a healthier, safer life by designing for wellbeing and the prevention of indoor air pollution while cutting your energy consumption and carbon footprints.
What is the Difference Between Sustainable Interior Design and Green Interior Design?

They have similar meanings as both designs approach to minimize the impact on the environment while creating beautiful spaces. Although “sustainable” interior design and “green” interior design are slightly different.
As I wrote about green interior design above, green interior design’s main focus is to create environmentally-friendly homes by using eco-friendly products and energy-efficient appliances.
Sustainable interior design is not simply just choosing eco-friendly products and creating a space. Sustainable interior design is to consciously and carefully create a healthy environment, high-quality and long-lasting designs by using sustainable interiors while respecting the planet.
Eco interior design has almost the same meaning as green interior design. Eco-friendly home interior design or environmentally-friendly home interior design means simply designs that do not harm the plant.
Why is Sustainability in Interior Design Important?

I am sure we all feel the weather in recent years is not right. Climate change is a serious issue that we are causing. We are in a place where we all have to face reality and stop harming our planet as soon as possible for us and future generations. That is why sustainability in interior design is important. It doesn’t have to dynamically change everything all at once.
I believe even though the tiniest thing if we all do it together, it makes a huge difference. And if each of us can embrace sustainability and create our home a little more consciously by using sustainable interior design materials, it makes a better place by preserving natural resources for future generations. That is not only the benefit of incorporating sustainable and eco-friendly interior design in your house, going green and sustainable protects our ecosystem and also improves the quality of our lives.
Fortunately, many eco-conscious companies like Nikuku, bombinate, Umage, and Leolux makes beautiful sustainable interiors so that you do not have to give up your ideal design styles. If you are from the UK or the Netherlands and need help, I am happy to help! Check my E-design page!
Why You Should Consider Sustainable/Green Interior Design?
There are 5 positive facts of opting for green sustainable interior design.
1. Environmentally-Friendly
Green sustainable interior design seeks to minimise negative impacts on the environment by reducing waste, using renewable energy systems to lessen the use of water and carbon footprints, applying minimalist style to reduce consumption, and using raw materials. Which means choosing sustainable/eco-friendly interior design instead of trendy interior design will help to save the planet!
2. Improve Health and Home Environment
Many people think that a sustainable interior design project is all about the environment. But that isn’t. Embracing sustainability in Interior design in your home is beneficial to your health and well-being as well.
Did you know we spend approximately 90% of our time indoors, almost 70% is at home. We all know this percentage has definitely increased since the pandemic has started. Surely we are home 90% of our time in the past 2 years. That is why we have to be careful and we should be more conscious of what we welcome into our home! And that is why you should consider using sustainable and green space interior design.
Because the sustainable interior design project is focused on creating a space where home occupants’ health, well-being and comfort improve besides saving the planet.
3. Improve productivity and Creativity
COVID-19 changed our lifestyle completely. Many of us have started working from home. Some people find it easier and some not. If you are one of those people that is struggling to concentrate on your work at home, I’m giving you great news! Making your home office greener and more sustainable will improve your work performance, productivity and creativity productivity and creativity which eventually will lead to more time for you to enjoy your private life.
4. Positive Impact on Local Economy
Getting your favourite furniture, home accessories or any other items at eco-conscious stores from your local community will not only help them get closer to their eco-goals but also help to circulate the local economy while reducing your carbon footprint.
5. Save Your Money in the Long Term
Investing in renewable energy systems would cost you quite a lot, but if we see it in the long term, it actually saves you money. Why? It is because you will pay less bills each month. Also, you would not need to spend your money again and again, to get new furniture by investing in high-quality interiors made of sustainable materials. Because these sustainable furniture is the long-lasting quality which could last for decades.
Final Thoughts on the Importance of Green and Sustainable/Eco Interior Design
We have all learned how important health is since 2020. Sustainability in interior design is going to be essential more than ever. Green and sustainable interior designs are the most thoughtful and sensitive designs and it absolutely will take your quality of life to the next level.
If you are thinking of starting to make your home greener and more sustainable and looking for a sustainable interior designer in the UK or the Netherlands, contact me or check my E-design service page! I will be more than happy to work with anyone who’s got the same value!
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